It’s a little brash, but Sherex has the data to back it up: we’re calling Optisert the best round body rivet nut based on performance.

Sherex has been working for over five years on a round body rivet nut that can perform comparably vs. a half hex body rivet nut. This rivet nut can do that.

We are still going to recommend a full hex body rivet nut if you can make a hex hole – especially in harder material like steel and stainless steel. But if a round hole is the only hole that can be produced, especially in softer materials like plastic, fiberglass and aluminum, Optisert’s performance is impressive.

“We’ve had over five years of product development to get the performance where we want it,” said Sherex Engineering Manager John Knechtges. “We’ve done similar wedgehead, knurled rivet nuts as specials for projects, but this standard part has unmatched performance. We’re really proud.”

Let’s look at the numbers:

Optisert vs. CAL Series and CAL Wedge round body:

Optisert vs. Half Hex:

The numbers speak for themselves. Optisert spin-out performance is closer to the performance of a full hex rivet nut than a normal, round body CAL rivet nut, and GREATER than a half hex rivet nut.

With knurls underneath the flange that bite into the material, resistance to spin out is very extraordinary. Spin-out occurs when the rivet nut spins into the hole it’s installed into. Spin-out would potentially occur in applications that experience heavy vibration, or in applications that experience a lot of strain and force.

For industries that are continuously looking for lightweighting options, like automotive and heavy truck, Optisert is an ideal option for a threaded insert fastener. Optisert also comes in a closed end option with a seal that comes standard. The seal does not compromise grip, and helps keep dust and water out of the base material.

1 Comment

  1. Tom Buddenbohn

    This is a great development in the Rivetnut Solution for challenging Applications.
    And this will open some new doors too.
    I may be a little biased as I represent Sherex in the SW USA…Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas.

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