What are Compression Limiters?
Leave a CommentCompression limiters are typically cylindrical components made of steel, stainless steel, brass, or aluminum that prevent overstressing of usually plastic or composite material and fastener clamp load loss during fastener installation. They can be used integrated with a fastener, such as a rivet nut, to provide metal to metal transfer of forces during the joint […]
Tags: compression limiters
Optisert Rivet Nut vs Hex Body Rivet Nut in Automation
Leave a CommentIt’s recommended that if manufacturers and assemblers can create a hex hole, using a hex body rivet nut is the best way to attach a joint together. But what if you’re using a fastener automation system? Is a hex body rivet nut the best rivet nut to use when installing them automatically through an automation […]
Tags: automation, hex rivet nuts, Optisert, rivet nuts
Why We’re Calling Optisert “The Best”
1 CommentIt’s a little brash, but Sherex has the data to back it up: we’re calling Optisert the best round body rivet nut based on performance. Sherex has been working for over five years on a round body rivet nut that can perform comparably vs. a half hex body rivet nut. This rivet nut can do […]
Sherex Fastening Solutions 2022 Year in Review
Leave a CommentWhat a year! It was great getting back to some normalcy. But with getting back to normal and ramping up came with challenges many manufacturers ran into this year: SUPPLY CHAIN. With that said, we feel we navigated supply chain issues better than our competitors and we even made moves that will hopefully mitigate those […]
Tags: rivet nuts
A Unique Sherex Application That You’ve Probably Stepped On
Leave a CommentSherex manufactures hundreds of millions of rivet nuts, compression limiters, clinch nuts, wedge locking washers, and other fastening products every year. One thing Sherex doesn’t really dabble with is screws. That is unless the right opportunity comes along. A local company reached out to see if we can help out with a custom screw product […]
The Perfect Workstation for Installing Rivet Nuts
Leave a CommentWhat do you need to be successful at installing rivet nuts? Depends who you ask. For some, it’s just parts and a rivet nut tool. But it really should be more than that. Let’s take a look at what every rivet nut installer should have at his or her rivet nut workstation: Hand Tool Calibration […]
Tags: rivet nuts
Rivet Nuts for the Aerospace Industry
Leave a CommentSherex makes a variety of NAS/MS round body rivet nuts for the US Aerospace and Department of Defense (DoD) industries out of its Sherex Akron manufacturing facility in Akron Ohio. As one could imagine, the Aerospace Industry is highly regulated and guided by a variety of certifications and standards that must be adhered to for […]
Tags: aerospace rivet nuts, rivet nuts, round boudy rivet nuts, sherex akron
Sherex’s Jake Glaser Named to the NFDA Board of Directors
Leave a CommentIn 2014, Jake Glaser was starting his career in the fastener industry. Eight years later, he’ll be relied upon for his guidance and leadership on the board of one of the fastener industry’s main associations. Jake Glaser, Regional Sales Manager for Sherex Fastening Solutions, has been named to the Board of Directors for the National […]
Tags: Employee News
Different Styles of Clinch Nuts
Leave a CommentA major benefit of rivet nuts are the variety of styles. Well not to be outdone, clinch nuts also come in a few standard styles that each have its own benefits. Let’s take a look at different styles of clinch nuts: ACN Series – High Strength Clinch Nut On this clinch nut, there are displacement […]
Tags: clinch nuts, fasteners, threaded insterts
To use Rivet Nuts or Clinch Nuts?
Leave a CommentBy Tyler Jones Sherex Application Engineer When material is too thin to tap threads, clinch nuts and rivet nuts are used to help fasten the application. Both rivet nuts and clinch nuts allow for additional components to be attached using these threaded fasteners, and both attach mechanically to the base material. But what’s the difference? […]
Tags: clinch nuts, rivet nuts